by Linda Stern
Linda Stern
Photograph - Photograph
November 1st, 2020
Comments (15)
Alice Schlesier
Congratulations Linda on being named this weeks Up Close Artist of the Week in the A Woman's Touch group!
Loredana Gallo Migliorini
Congratulations Linda on being named this weeks Up Close Artist of the week in the A Woman's Touch group! Well deserved! Wonderful work! F/L
Jessie Buchholz
Congratulations Linda on being named this weeks Up Close Artist of the week in the A Woman's Touch group!
Carmen Macuga
Congratulations Linda on your Woman's Touch Group special feature and Up Close Artist of the Week celebration!
Diane Wallace
Well deserved Special Feature and Up Close and Personal in a Womens Touch group. Stunning work.
Maria Faria Rodrigues
Congratulations, on SPECIAL FEATURE & 'UP CLOSE & PERSONAL', in A Woman's Touch, group!
Cindy Treger
Linda, congrats on being selected the UP CLOSE & PERSONAL artist in A Woman's Touch. Gorgeous shot. f/l
Sherrell Rodgers
Congratulations, Linda on you Up Close And Personal feature. This is a beautiful image!! LF
Eddie Eastwood
Congratulations Linda, on being selected as this week's Up Close & Personal' featured artist in A Woman's Touch Group!
Brooks Garten Hauschild
Congratulations on being selected as this week's 'Up Close & Personal' featured artist in 'A Woman's Touch', Linda! This beautiful image & a brief bio will be in the spotlight for the week beginning 10.30.22. Be sure to share our 'Homepage' link featuring you & your work with family, friends and on Social Media for more exposure, as well as in any group thread that fits. FVL.
Linda Stern replied:
Wow! Thank you so very much, Brooks Garten Hauschild for this honoe! So exciting to be among all these creative women!